River City Church Georgetown Delaware

Welcome to River City Church!

Pastors Joel and Heidi Hitchcock invite you to join us every Sunday for our on-fire morning worship at 10:30AM.

We now meet Sundays at the Master's Manor, 22934 Zoar Rd, Georgetown Delaware. Our new time is 10:30AM. (Fellowship, donuts, coffee and pre-service prayer 9:30am.)  

Come a little earlier for coffee & donuts, fellowship, prayer and a devotion at 9:30AM.

Then, at 10:30AM our main morning service begins. Pastors Joel and Heidi lead worship and minister the Word and the Spirit.
Fall in Love with Jesus with us, and see you Sunday!

River City Church is a non-denominational, apostolic, Spirit-filled, Word-Church in Georgetown, Delaware - conveniently located to serve Georgetown, Millsboro, Rehoboth, Lewes, Milton, Seaford and others who come from different towns all across Sussex County and the Eastern Shore Delmarva Peninsula...

The name "River City" was gleaned from the Scripture: "There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells" (Psalms 46:4-NIV).
